Here you will find a comprehensive list of resources to support you in the appraisal process.
Coaching and Supporting Teachers
EOY Conferences Appraiser Overview
EOY Conferences Teacher Overview
Professional Growth and Self-Reflection
Quality Evidence
2.1 Achieving Expectations
1.4 Activities
3.3 Classroom Culture
3.1 Classroom Environment Routines and Procedures
2.3 Communication
2.2 Content Knowledge and Expertise
1.2 Data and Assessments
2.4 Differentiation
4.2 Goal Setting
1.3 Knowledge of Students
3.2 Managing Student Behavior
2.5 Monitor and Adjust
4.1 Professional Demeanor and Ethics
4.3 Professional Development
4.4 School Community Involvement
1.1 Standards and Alignment
T-TESS in Specialized Settings
T-TESS in Specialized Settings - Presentation